Me ga Takai (目が高い - Having a Good Eye)

Aug 12, 2017 14:18
There is the Japanese idiom, "me ga takai" (目が高い).

The "me" means "eye," and the "takai" means "high," so the literal meaning of "me ga takai" is "one's eyes are high."

Can you imagine what this idiom actually means?

The answer is that someone has an ability to choose superior things or people.

The etymology is simple -- it's because you can see things well if your eyes would be placed at a high position.

Incidentally, there is fish called "medaka" (メダカ/目高 - killifish) in Japan, and its name comes from the fact that killfish's eyes are high, but it's not related to this idiom.


「目が高い」の文字通りの意味は "one's eye are high" ですが、実際はどのような意味で使われるか想像できますか?



No. 1 daChewyDuck17881's correction
  • There is the Japanese idiom, "me ga takai" (目が高い).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The "me" means "eye," and the "takai" means "high," so the literal meaning of "me ga takai" is "one's eyes are high."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Can you imagine what this idiom actually means?
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The answer is that someone has an ability to choose superior things or people.
  • The answer is that someone has the ability to choose superior things or people.
     Although acceptable, when talking about capability in English, we tend to say, "They have THE ability," not really "AN ability"
  • The etymology is simple -- it's because you can see things well if your eyes would be placed at a high position.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, there is fish called "medaka" (メダカ/目高 - killifish) in Japan, and its name comes from the fact that killfish's eyes are high, but it's not related to this idiom.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Near perfect writing! With the exception of one sentence, it could've easily come from an English speaker!
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
I'm glad to hear you say that (^^)